Monday, December 1, 2008

Sinful Sunday.....(for CCIE :) )

One weekend wasted!!

I couldn't control my emotions to watch some really good movies so finally skipped my studies on Sat and Sunday :(

At the Start, I though that I will be watching movies in between my studies.........and it became completely different....I was studying in between my movies!! So a weekend wasted!!

Anyway, movies were good (we were soldiers, WindTalkers, Der Untergang....)

Now I am starting Access Lists and WAN Technologies ( for CCNA this time).....

Once it gets finished (from Todd Lammle's book), I am going to book my slot for exam and......
.I will post the result also :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I am in a high spirit for my cisco cert chasing. So also decided to create a blog and post everyday's progress (or atleast once in 3 days, if I could post), anyway coming direct to business, I guess if I keep posting my progress here and also succedes in getting my CCIE..this blog will help others on the same track :)

My past experience is on Siemens, Avaya, Tadiran etc. etc. so actually I don't have any past experience on Cisco, and presently I am working with an African Alcatel Lucent System Integrator, so actually I am trying to chase my CCIE with my own practise, and no almost no on-the-job sort of experience.

So here I start:

I have downloaded CCNA (yes, I am not even a CCNA) syllabus from

Firstly I am trying to go through Todd lamle's CCNA book with Theory only (fast forward) and once I finish, I will move directly with labs.

Lets see how it works.......